This collection describes the World War I experiences of Leo Glenn Swogger through letters written home during 1918-1919 and letters written to his children in 1958 that describe some aspects of he military service. It also contains Portrait of the Entrepreneur a a Young Man: Notes on Glenn Swogger, Dr.--Letters from World War I written by Glenn Swogger, Jr. The letters describe daily activities in detail. He spent time at Camp Funston, Kansas, and in Camp Mills, New York, before being shipped overseas. By June 22, 1918, he was in France. He served as a scout but also in combat. He was wounded and was eventually sent to a hospital in Paris. He describes his efforts of learning to speak French and the French people, especially the "mamzelles." As he is preparing to return home, he discusses his plans for the future. The collection contains 5 letters written by Glenn's father J. S. Swogger (John) to Glenn, Sr. They are on letterhead from the Oakland Presbyterian Church, Topeka, Kansas, where he was serving as pastor. The letters describe Rev. Swogger's daily activities. There is one letter from his mother, several postcards from "Berth," apparently someone he met in France as the content is a combination of English and French.
There are also a number of miscellaneous items, such as undated letters, orders, and letters by a few other people, mostly unidentified.