View of the Alta Vista State Bank, located in the Meseke building in Alta Vista, Kansas. Various grocery stores occupied the right half of the Meseke building over the years.
Photograph of the home originally owned by Bartholomew Buchli in Alma, Kansas. Buchli was the county surveyor from 1891 until his death. In modern times, the house was owned by Arnold Schmitz, grandson of Henry Schmitz, one of the founders of Alma.
This is a view of the Davis home, located at 910 Kansas Avenue in Alma, Kansas. Identified, left to right, are Louise Diehl (in buggy), Norman Barger, Jeff Davie, Lola Barger, James Barger, Olga Heustis, Dora Barger, and Carrie Davis.
Three unidentified women are seen in front of the McComb home, located at the southeast corner of 4th and Illinois Streets in Alma, Kansas. On the reverse of the photo is written: "by an old Swiss stone cutter 6 rooms with a summer kitchen on east side. The old stone barn was used to store ice until El. Light plant was built. There was a large cellar and a fine well 60 feet deep."
This is a stereograph showing a log cabin in Kansas. The photograph was taken by Albert Bierstadt, New Bedford, Massachusetts, while on the Lander's Expedition. Captain F. W. Lander's party was employed to survey a road from Salt Lake City over the South Pass and to the east. Albert Bierstad accompanied the expedition and made a set of stereograph views of emigrant trains, Indians, camp scenes, etc. The stereographic views formed the foundation for many of Bierstadt's paintings. Unfortuantely, a complete set of the stereographs was not made a part of Lander's report. The Kansas State Historical Society has six stereographs and a print taken by Bierstadt of the expedition.
This early view of the west side of the 300 block of Missouri Street shows the downtown of Alma, Kansas. None of the buildings seen in this block on the west side are still standing. Notice that a used ship's mast had been installed as a very tall flag pole.
A photograph of a crew threshing wheat at the Adolph Maas farm in Alma, Kansas. The crew uses a large steam engine fueled with wood that is carried in a short wagon behind the tractor.
A photograph of a team of men identified as a baler crew with a large horse-drawn piece of equipment. Identified from left to right are John Haller, Herman Steimel, Herman Haller, George Haller, and Art Wertzberger.
Two photographs of the old flour mill in Alma, Kansas. When these photographs were taken, the mill operated as part of Mid-Kansas Mills. The mill was located just south of Alma on Mill Creek.
This is a photograph of (left to right) Kristin Johnson, Naomi Anderson, and John William Carlin. They were at a Carlin election campaign event in Smolan, Kansas.
Studio photograph of fourteen girls posing for a May Day celebration in Alma, Kansas. Some of the girls are identified as Tillie Wetzel, Lucille Fields, Bess Wetzel, Rosie Noller, Pearl Rock Kraus, and Maggie Degenhardt. One girl is wearing a crown and several have boquets or corsages.
This is a studio portrait of the Gotthelf Nehring family of Alma, Kansas. He is surrounded by his wife, Anna, and children, including Louise, Marie, Helena, Gustave, Paulina, Ida, Margaret, Augusta, Arnold, and Leonard.