A letter from Josiah Coply in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, requesting Kansas Governor St. John to furnish the writer results of the Kansas vote on the proposed temperance amendment.
A letter from George Woodford of Atchison, Kansas offering his congratulations to Kansas Governor St. John and requesting a note be sent to him regarding the amendment vote.
Massachusetts legislator George Chamberlain writes Kansas Governor St. John, requesting prohibition documents which could help his state prepare a prohibition bill.
A letter from E. S. Dunham of Liberty Center, Ohio in which he poses questions to Kansas Governor St. John regarding interaction between "Local Options" and State liquor laws.
A letter from editor A. B. Nettleton of the Minneapolis Tribune to Kansas Governor St. John seeking answers to several probing and relevant questions regarding the disposition and implementation of the recently adopted prohibition amendment.
A letter to Kansas Governor St. John from the National Temperance Society congratulating the Governor and referencing a planned publication detailing the recent temperance victory in Kansas.
A letter of congratulations from Michigan temperance supporter J. C. Boutecou to Kansas Governor St. John. The letter also urges the Governor to attend their grand state meeting in January.
A letter from Frank Shelden, editor of the "Pioneer" paper in Ness County, to Kansas Governor St. John regarding a payment of a $115.00 printing bill for copy ordered by the state.
A letter from Postmaster B. F. Wright of Charles City, Iowa offering his congratulations to Kansas Governor St. John for the passage of the prohibition amendment in Kansas.
A letter from attorney R. T. St. John of Marion, Indiana to Kansas Governor St. John regarding the Governor's electoral victory of the prohibition measure.
A letter from A. C. Pierce of Junction City to Kansas Governor St. John in which Pierce comments on organizing the House and expresses doubt about candidates being considered for Speaker and Clerk.